
Mental Matters - One Truckee River | Guests Lynda Nelson and Alex Hoeft (11.9.16)

A wonderful initiative is underway to improve just about everything along the Truckee River and throughout its entire length. 

Mental Matters - Reno Police Department M.O.S.T. | Guests Christy Butler and Travis Warren (11.2.16)

What happens if you call the police for a person struggling with mental illness? Find out in this episode. 

Mental Matters - Tutus and Top Hats Against Domestic Violence | Guests Telisa, Sean, and John (10.12.16)

Local domestic violence activists join Jake for a round table discussion about awareness and empowerment. 

Mental Matters - Foster Care; Ins, Outs, and How-Tos | Guests Tracey Barrett & Mikie Franklin (10.5.16)

Learn about how to become a foster parent. You are needed...and it's easier than you might think.

Mental Matters - The Benefits of Couples Counseling | Guest Kami Storck 9.28.16

Life changes of all kinds can be challenging for couples. Our friend Kami explains how to clear those hurdles.