Media & Articles
Zephyr Wellness has produced free content for your consumption consistently since our inception in 2015. Among our several original articles, we sponsored the weekly Mental Matters radio show for 16 months and continues to sponsor the Noggin Notes podcast weekly since 2017. We also have many free resources on our Education page and the Zephyr Wellness YouTube channel. Please use the search bar to find topics that you wish to discover, such as “couples,” “anxiety,” or “depression,” and browse away!
Jake Wiskerchen was interviewed on Nevada Newsmakers. In this video, he discusses teen mental illness, the Guns and Mental Health Podcast by Walk the Talk America, and the government’s role in mental health services.
Why should gun owners care about mental health? Marriage and family therapist, Jake Wiskerchen guests on Gun Onwers Radio to share how Walk the Talk America is working to help gun owners with mental health without threatening their Second Amendment rights.
Jake Wiskerchen makes an appearance in the Firearms & Freedoms series to speak on the intersection of mental health and firearm ownership.
In this episode I’m joined by Jake Wiskerchen. Jake is a marriage and family therapist, podcaster, and owner of the Zephyr Wellness mental health practice in Reno, Nevada. In part one of this series on emotions we talk about the difference between thinking and feeling; the ten core emotions; the importance of knowing and labeling emotions, and responding accurately to living congruently with others and ourselves. We also explore the importance of not staying stuck in unhealthy emotions and how practicing this can actually alter our brain chemistry. You will learn what it means to bail out of emotions or cover over emotions, and how this contributes to addictions and other emotional problems. Plus you'll find out how covering emotions can cause us to avoid reality, and why when we don’t deal with our emotions honestly they can boil beneath the surface for a long period of time.
Join Jake Wiskerchen for his talk on Understanding Gun Culture, Mental Health, and Ethics at UNR School of Medicine’s TriplePlay 2021 event.
Jake Wiskerchen, MFT, lifelong gun owner, and board member of Walk the Talk America, presents the basics of firearms and ways to responsibly store them to help clinicians have informed conversations and make appropriate harm reduction recommendations.
In this feature on The Next Stage on FOX 11 News, Reno, Jake Wiskerchen talks about his relationship between being in the mental health field and being a firearm owner. Jake serves on the board of Walk the Talk America — a non-profit with a mission of reducing suicides by firearms by bridging the gap between gun owners and mental health.
Jake Wiskerchen guests on GunFreedomRadio to discuss “Mental Health: The Other Pandemic?”
Join Jake Wiskerchen as he answers a couple of your questions about mental health and therapy. Email us with your own question!